Monday, November 10, 2014

When it's your birthday...

Sooooooo lol I turned 23 this past Thursday.  What else can I say?  I allowed myself to enjoy whatever I wanted (including beer and wings!!).  Plus, I was eating well and exercising regularly so I allowed myself to just enjoy  my bday and the day after. (If you want to know more about my birthday and how it went, follow my other blog  
     Besides those "bad" days, I have been very proud of myself!  I have been drinking water like crazy and have been proportioning healthy meals and snacks.  Like I said in my last post, I am not counting calories as of yet.  I am slowly easing myself into this healthier lifestyle so I can make this easier for me to stick through it.  
     I have had cravings for chocolate like a mother lately though!  I have been peeling mandarin oranges and melting dark chocolate to drizzle over them, it has certainly satisfied my sweet tooth!   As far as my exercising goes, my routine for now is really light.  I do a 20 minute walk in the morning and another 20 minute walk during the late afternoon.  I try to squeeze in a few reps of squats/lunges.  This week I plan to make more time to do those kind of reps plus I want to add in a few reps to slim down my arms.  So I am still taking this day by day and so far so good.  
     My next post I will include some of the recipes and snack ideas I have been using to help me stick to my journey.  So that's it for now!  Stay tuned for more next week!! (:

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Journey Begins

Hey everyone and thanks for reading!  

     I am actually really excited to have started this, I am also hoping that doing this will keep me on track, inspire others, and that I will also learn from others.  I will be 100% completely honest with this, as in I know I will have a day where I just could not resist that second slice of pizza or the days that I just did NOT feel like working out, I will let you all know the good as well as the bad, that's part of the journey, not everything will go perfect, but as long as there is progess, I won't quit,

     So how did I gain all this unwanted weight?  I have always been a thicker kid growing up, but being in sports is what helped me stay active.  In high school I continued playing softball, the season started in November and it ended a little after 3rd semester, well after my senior year of high school, I was off to college and working a desk job. more softball.  This is where the weight started to appear.  I also wasn't eating the best, I would hardly eat anything during the day so when I got home, I ate a bunch load of junk.  And I was living on my own so my weekends consisted of having friends and family over for kick backs so drinking plus getting the munchies from being high was not helping at all.  Later on,  I moved to Seattle and realized that I really did need to do something about my weight.  I didn't know anybody over there so I made friend with a gym card (:  I wasted no time, within 3 and a half months, I lost 36 pounds.  I was getting so many compliments, my ass looked good (that was my favorite lol), and I was able to fit into clothes that I liked and wanted to wear.......but the success didn't last so long.

     I had moved back to Fresno, two days after moving back I went to Walgreens to purchase a pregnancy test.  It came out positive, I was going to be some little angel's mommy.  I didn't get no crazy cravings or anything, but my baby's dad was constantly buying pizza and then he was worked at a restaurant and kept bringing home food, I was a sucker for their mac n cheese Mmmmmm.  So the day came where Savannah was born, she took almost 7 of the 40 pounds of weight I had gained during my pregnancy.  I lost 14 more pounds easily over the next couple of weeks.  So I did end up weighing more than I did before I got pregnant.  20 months later, I have managed to lose a few more pounds but that's it, nothing too exciting.  But I just realized I was making too many excuses and I miss that nice ass of mine lol  So here I am...

     Plan of attack?  For now I will not be counting calories, though I will once I get settled into my new healthy habits for now.  I am going to just start eating better, 5 meals a day (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner, possibly skip one snack for a healthy dessert...yogurt ice cream yum), walk EVERY morning with Savannah for at least 20 minutes, and figure out a little exercise routine to fit into my day.  Also, as of now I will be only drinking water and tea (honey or stevia on some days).  That is my short term goal for now just to start.  Long term? Lost 50 pounds by the end of June 2015 (:  Well you guys,  I hope you all have a great day and I hope you stay to see my progress and cheer me on (:  Time to go for my morning walk!!